1-234-212-3244 Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm 2204 E. Enterprise Pkwy, Twinsburg OH


Occupancy Determination Inspection
Report to determine occupancy status of property to client thus ensuring action
Interior/Exterior Condition Inspection
This report will provide a full interior and exterior condition status of property. Ability to see a real 
Insurance Loss Draft Inspection
Bomier will report the status of listed repairs and an overall percentage and quality of repair work.
FEMA Disaster Inspection

Report can be issued in an area that has experienced a natural disaster. These will be critical in evaluating damages in real time for next step actions.

Bankruptcy Inspection
Bomier will determine occupancy status and basic exterior condition while adhering to local laws and regulations when a property moves through the..
Door Card Delivery Inspection

This type of inspection the inspector will attempt to contact the occupant of home and deliver client ordered collateral. Basic occupancy and condition

Construction Draw Inspection
Bomier will issue a report to determine the amount of progress made on new construction. Allowing timely draws to field and completion of new construction.
Rehab Progress Inspection

Report will compare to client detail of rehab process of property. Form will compare status real time for follow up to contractor’s schedules to complete.

Commercial Property Inspection

Bomier will generate a report and overall status of commercial investments. These can be highly customizable and useful for larger investments.